[無料ダウンロード! √] (a-b)^3 expansion 277535-(a+b+c)^3 expansion
Let us multiply ab by itself using Polynomial Multiplication (ab) (ab) = a2 2ab b2 Now take that result and multiply by ab again (a 2 2ab b 2 ) (ab) = a3 3a2b 3ab2 b3 And again (a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 ) (ab) = a4 4a3b 6a2b2 4ab3 b44 Binomial Expansions 41 Pascal's riTangle The expansion of (ax)2 is (ax)2 = a2 2axx2 Hence, (ax)3 = (ax)(ax)2 = (ax)(a2 2axx2) = a3 (12)a 2x(21)ax x 3= a3 3a2x3ax2 x urther,F (ax)4 = (ax)(ax)4 = (ax)(a3 3a2x3ax2 x3) = a4 (13)a3x(33)a2x2 (31)ax3 x4 = a4 4a3x6a2x2 4ax3 x4 In general we see that the coe cients of (a x)n come from the nth row of Pascal'sWhat are the coefficients for the binomial expansion of (a b)3?

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(a+b+c)^3 expansion
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Write the formula / expansion for (a b)3 (a b) 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 Substitute x for a and 1 for b (x 1) 3 = x 3 3 (x 2 ) (1) 3 (x) (1 2) 1 3 (x 1) 3 = x 3 3x 2 3 (x) (1) 1 (x 1) 3 = x 3 3x 2 3x 1 So, the expansion of (x 1)3 is x 3 3x 2 3x 1In elementary algebra, the binomial theorem describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial According to the theorem, it is possible to expand the polynomial n into a sum involving terms of the form axbyc, where the exponents b and c are nonnegative integers with b c = n, and the coefficient a of each term is a specific positive integer depending on n and b For example, 4 = x 4 4 x 3 y 6 x 2 y 2 4 x y 3 y 4 {\displaystyle ^{4}=x^{4}4x^{3}y6x^{2}y^{2}4xy^{3}y^{4}} TheExpansion of (a b) 3 ∴ (a b) 3 = (a b)(a b)(a b) = (a b)(a b) 2 = (a b)(a 2 2ab b 2) = a(a 2 2ab b 2) b(a 2 2ab b 2) = a 3 2a 2 b ab 2 a 2 b 2ab 2 b 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 ∴ (a b) 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3
A few simple expansion of (a b) to different powers (a b)2 = a2 2ab b2 (a b)3 = a3 3a2b 3ab2 b3 (a b)4 = a4 4a3b 6a2b2 4ab3 b4 You may begin to see a pattern in the coefficients They come from Pascal's Triangle 1 1 1 1 2 1 (a b)2#_3C_3 = (3!)/((33)!(3!)) = (3!)/(0!*3!) = 1# Note #(ab)^3 = (a (b))^3# Substitute into the Binomial expansion formula, let #x = a# and #y = b# #(ab)^3 = a^3 3a^2(b)^1 3a(b)^2(b)^3# #= a^3 3a^2b 3ab^2 b^3#So (a b)¹ = a b (a b)² = a² 2ab b² (a b)³ = a³ 3a²b 3b²a b³ You should notice that the coefficients of (the numbers before) a and b are 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 If you continued expanding the brackets for higher powers, you would find that the sequence continues 1 4 6 4 1
If we want to expand (ab)3 we select the coefficients from the row of the triangle beginning 1,3 these are 1,3,3,1 We can immediately write down the expansion by remembering that for each new term we decrease the power of a, this time starting with 3, and increase the power of b So (ab) 3= 1a 3a2b3ab2 1b3 which we would normally write as justWe can do this if you know the Binomial Theorem But if you don't know what it is or how to use it you can do the expansion on your own (ab)^3 = (ab)(ab)(ab) This becomes (ab)(ab)^2 =O 1, 4, 6, 4, 1 O 1,1 O 1, 2,1 O 1,3,3, 1 2 See answers esbeydeeromero esbeydeeromero The fourth option I got that last time happy244 happy244 Answer D Stepbystep explanation New questions in Mathematics

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MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE Algebra MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE Algebra 1 (ab)2=a22abb2;a2b2=(ab)2−2ab 2 (a−b)2=a2−2abb;a2b2=(a−b)22ab 3 (abc)2=a2b2c22(abbcca) 4 (ab)3=a3b33ab(ab);a3b3=(ab)−3ab(ab) 5Ex a b, a 3 b 3, etc Binomial Theorem Let n ∈ N,x,y,∈ R then n Σ r=0 nC r x n – r · y r nC r x n – r · y r nC n1 x · y n – 1 nC n · y n ie(x y) n = n Σ r=0 nC r x n – r · y r where, Illustration 1 Expand (x/3 2/y) 4 Sol Illustration 2 (√2 1) 5 (√2 − 1) 5 Sol We haveIf we want to expand (ab)3 we select the coefficients from the row of the triangle beginning 1,3 these are 1,3,3,1 We can immediately write down the expansion by remembering that for each new term we decrease the power of a, this time starting with 3, and increase the power of b So (ab) 3= 1a 3a2b3ab2 1b3 which we would normally write as just

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We can write \((abc)^3 = (abc)(abc)(abc) \) \(=>(abc)^3 = (abc)^2 (abc) \) we know that what is the formula of \( (abc)^2 \) \(=>(abc)^3 = (a^2b^2c^2 2ab 2bc 2ca) (abc) \)To get `tan(x)sec^3(x)`, use parentheses tan(x)sec^3(x) From the table below, you can notice that sech is not supported, but you can still enter it using the identity `sech(x)=1/cosh(x)` If you get an error, doublecheck your expression, add parentheses and multiplication signs where needed, and consult the table below(abc) 3 a 3 b 3 c 3 We can choose three "a"'s for the cube in one way C(3,3)=1, or we can choose an a from the first factor and one from the second and one from the third, being the only way to make a3 The coefficient of the cubes is therefore 1 (It's the same for a, b and c, of course) 3a 2 b3a 2 c Next, we consider the a 2 terms We

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Expansion of (a b) 3 (a b) 3 = (a b)(a b)(a b) = (a b)(a b) 2 (a b) 3 = (a b)(a 2 2ab b 2) (a b) 3 = a(a 2 2ab b 2) b(a 2 2ab b 2) (a b) 3 = a 3 2a 2 b ab 2 ba 2 2ab 2 b 3 (a b) 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 ∴ (a b) 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3Linear thermal expansion coefficient is defined as material's fractional change in length divided by the change in temperature Coefficient of linear thermal expansion is designated by the symbol α (alpha) The SI unit of thermal expansion coefficient is (°C)1 and USWe can do this if you know the Binomial Theorem But if you don't know what it is or how to use it you can do the expansion on your own (ab)^3 = (ab)(ab)(ab) This becomes (ab)(ab)^2 =

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In Algebra In Algebra putting two things next to each other usually means to multiply So 3 (ab) means to multiply 3 by (ab) Here is an example of expanding, using variables a, b and c instead of numbers And here is another example involving some numbers Notice the "·" between the 3 and 6 to mean multiply, so 3·6 = 18Cube Formulas (a b) 3 = a 3 b 3 3ab (a b) (a − b) 3 = a 3 b 3 3ab (a b) a 3 − b 3 = (a − b) (a 2 b 2 ab) a 3 b 3 = (a b) (a 2 b 2 − ab) (a b c) 3 = a 3 b 3 c 3 3 (a b) (b c) (c a) a 3 b 3 c 3 − 3abc = (a b c) (a 2 b 2 c 2 − ab − bc − ac) If (a b c) = 0,(abc) 3 a 3 b 3 c 3 We can choose three "a"'s for the cube in one way C(3,3)=1, or we can choose an a from the first factor and one from the second and one from the third, being the only way to make a3 The coefficient of the cubes is therefore 1 (It's the same for a, b and c, of course) 3a 2 b3a 2 c Next, we consider the a 2 terms We can choose two a's from 3 factors in C(3,2) ways=3

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Exercise 3 Expand the following expression, writing your answer in its simplest form Be careful of notation and do not use spaces in your answer ( x ) 2 = x 2 xIn mathematics, a trinomial expansion is the expansion of a power of a sum of three terms into monomials The expansion is given by The expansion is given by ( a b c ) n = ∑ i j k = n i , j , k ( n i , j , k ) a i b j c k , {\displaystyle (abc)^{n}=\sum _{\stackrel {i,j,k}{ijk=n}}{n \choose i,j,k}\,a^{i}\,b^{\;\!j}\;\!c^{k},}The expansion of (ab)^3 is(ab)^3 (a b)^3 ( a b ) ^ 3 ( a b ) ^ 3 and this will go on for ever Just write the expression on your page and see the miracle

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Expand the following product (3 x 1) (2 x 4) `(3x1)(2x4)` returns `3*x*2*x3*x*42*x4` Expand this algebraic expression `(x2)^3` returns `2^33*x*2^23*2*x^2x^3` Note that the result is not returned as the simplest expression in order to be able to follow the steps of calculations To simplify the results, simply use the reduce functionThe Senate voted 263 in favor of the effort to rework the expansion, which currently covers about 300,000 people in the state The measure now heads to the HouseMATHEMATICAL FORMULAE Algebra MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE Algebra 1 (ab)2=a22abb2;a2b2=(ab)2−2ab 2 (a−b)2=a2−2abb;a2b2=(a−b)22ab 3 (abc)2=a2b2c22(abbcca) 4 (ab)3=a3b33ab(ab);a3b3=(ab)−3ab(ab) 5

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Let us multiply ab by itself using Polynomial Multiplication (ab) (ab) = a2 2ab b2 Now take that result and multiply by ab again (a 2 2ab b 2 ) (ab) = a3 3a2b 3ab2 b3 And again (a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 ) (ab) = a4 4a3b 6a2b2 4ab3 b4Solution (2x 3)3 is in the form of (a b)3 Comparing (a b)3 and (2x 3)3, we get a = 2x b = 3 Write the formula / expansion for (a b)3 (a b) 3 = a 3 3a 2 b 3ab 2 b 3 Substitute 2x for a and 3 for b (2x 3) 3 = (2x) 3 3 (2x) 2 (3) 3 (2x) (3 2) 3 3The calculator will find the binomial expansion of the given expression, with steps shown Show Instructions In general, you can skip the multiplication sign, so `5x` is equivalent to `5*x` In general, you can skip parentheses, but be very careful e^3x is `e^3x`, and e^(3x) is `e^(3x)`

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